Myth in the Mojave

Hera, Greek Goddess of Marriage

Catherine Svehla, PhD Season 6 Episode 112

Marriage is a tricky proposition. Many of us long to be part of the “perfect couple” at the same time we fear such a union. In his essay, “Hera, Goddess of Marriage,” James Hillman writes; “Marriage involves two worlds—a world of huge ideals and a world of mundane practicalities.” 

In this podcast I take a look at the archetype of marriage through the image of Hera, and myths of her jealous response to her husband’s many infidelities.

“Other men? I could have had them all. Meteors ripen in the fold of my veil […] But from the beginning I set my eye on him, the god of luminous ether […]”  from “The Seven Wives of Zeus” by Rebecca McClanahan 

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