Myth in the Mojave

Practice In the Real World: The Gentle Heart Jataka

Catherine Svehla, PhD Season 6 Episode 122

“Flying has it uses but walking on the ground is not as easy as it looks from up here.” Rafe Martin, from “The Gentle Heart Jataka”

Some days, the boundaries between the turbulence and change in the outside world, and what’s taking place in my own head and heart, are hard to define.  I'm called to question, re-evaluate, and revisit everything, AND to imagine new possibilities, even if my usual methods seem to work just fine.

Transformation is underway and the discomfort is collective and personal. How do we participate? What do we practice?  How can we support and encourage each other?

 My telling of “The Gentle Heart Jataka,” a story of one of Buddha’s incarnations on the path to awakening, is inspired by Rafe Martin’s version in Endless Path.

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